Monday, January 17, 2011

Mass Animal Deaths/ Media

                                             WHY IS THE MEDIA IGNORING THIS STORY?
Let me run down a list of massive animal deaths over a short period of time and the you decide whether or not we should  continue to have media coverage at least until some credible explanation surfaces.  The list of occurrences spans the globe. And involve a variety of animal life or should I say death. Keep in mind until a plausible explanation is given these remain mysterious deaths.
Arkansas- thousands of birds – 100,000 fish
Louisiana- hundreds of birds
Chicago- thousands of fish
Florida- thousands of fish
Kentucky- hundreds of birds
Texas- hundreds of birds
Maryland- 2million fish
Italy- hundreds of doves
Brazil- over 100 ton of fish
New Zealand- Thousands of fish
Australia- thousands of  birds
Sweden- 400 birds
England- 40,000 crabs
Kazakhstan- 12,000 saiga antelope
These numbers reflect animals who met their demise in residential areas where they were easily counted what took place in fields and wooded forest has gone unreported. There was even a case of a neighborhood in Purcellville, Virginia where ten families reported their pets died of what appeared to be a stroke.  This took place over a few weeks apart with homes being no further than a mile apart.  It was mostly dogs and cats with one horse claimed to die of the same type of strokelike symptom.
There are questions beyond how and why this happened that can address future consequences and should be considered and at least asked by the media. The question of how and why have been hazed over by answers like fireworks caused the birds to panic or stressed them out and caused them to fly into houses, trees or wires.  Most of the birds showed signs of trauma with broken bones and internal bleeding.  Well they fell from the sky and stopped abruptly when they came in contact with the earth that is definitely bone crushing, blood-filled trauma.  We need something, pardon the pun, more concrete.  The other questions are relative to future consequences. Birds eat huge amounts of pesty bugs such as locusts, mosquitos and many other plant and people attacking insects.  Could more these unexplained animal deaths lead to consequences like famine or plague.
As I was growing up we seemed to depend on the media to find out these things for us.  But now the media only keeps us abreast of gossip and National Enquire type of information.  They steer clear of much of the pressure cooker type issues that puts heat on the government to provide answers to the public. 
I have no conspiracy theory about military testing or UFO involvement.  I just want follow up.  I don’t want the government to hide information from me because they think I am not mature enough to deal with pending chaos. There may be steps necessary for the population to take prepare for future events.  There may be meaningful changes we may need to make.
When a teenager goes missing on some spring break island and there is sign of foul play the media covers it for years. When movie stars have marital issues it gets reported with continuous updates.  Media people like Nancy grace make a career out of this type of news coverage. But the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the follow up to the Gulf oil spill, the whereabouts of Bin Laden, and the coverage of mass animal mysterious deaths go ignored.  No wonder life in this country is one big soap opera, Judge Judy, Maury Povich, Biggest Loser, Dancing with the Star, reality show.  The reality ois that we are too distracted to care.

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