Okay, Sarah Palin did not influence this shooting in Arizona. But the type of political mudslinging and vitriolic speech is definitely negatively impacting America. And it is our fault because we tolerate this and in some cases embrace it. We must be vocal and proactive in stopping the negativity that comes across the radio and television. Americans must demand to hear political messages that demonstrate the solutions to Americas’ problems. Most of the representatives from both parties have been in office for 20 to 30 years and have been a functional part of Americas’ problems. The mudslinging, threats, intimidations and name calling do nothing to improve the quality of life in this country. Americans suffer under the present struggle for power that dictates the rhetoric of the right and left alike. A message needs to be sent that we don’t want venom we want solutions.
We can deny votes to those who don’t provide a message of solutions and progress. Unlike the big corporations we don’t have monetary influence over candidates. It is not hard to recognize the problems facing the masses. Americans need good paying jobs, affordable health care, protection against predatory banks and credit card companies, secure borders, improved infrastructure, fair trade with foreign countries, a foreign policy that doesn’t require buying our friends and policies that encourage loyalty from corporate America. In no way does a debate about any of these topics require mudslinging and hate speech. Now come the talk show hosts. They make their money primarily by pandering to big business and the politicians who are corporate prostitutes. They revert to schoolyard name calling and bullying of all who have differing opinions. They are beyond entertainers and they are very short of being political pundits. If these talk show hosts truly cared about you or this country the y would give up their jobs and take their money and run for office and put their agenda to work and prove to us that they are mire then talking heads.
Let’s stop singling people out to find a reason for the Arizona shooting. There are more nuts out there who need to be identified. These people don’t necessarily need a push to sponsor a tragedy. What happened in Arizona doesn’t speak for the need for gun control as much as it speaks toward the need to treat and/or incarcerate unstable people.
Joe Scalise
Your right Palins words didn't cause that nut to shoot people, just like the lyrics to songs do not make people do things. If your crazy you are crazy and will snap. As for politicians talking solutions instead of mud slinging- they apparently don't have any solutions because they look no further than their own pockets! With this last election I didn't know what any of them stood for, I only knew all the bad things their opponets televised and wasted good money on ads that made everyone last one of them look bad. I would have voted for the witch maybe she could cast a spell! Your sister Linda
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ReplyDeleteWhen you have nothing to stand on or trying to avoid bills you voted for, you have no choice but to mud sling, unfortunate but true.