Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I have a New Years' resolution for everyone that is easier than the traditional dieting or abstaining from cigarettes or alcohol - repeat after me, I will stop being fooled, mislead and manipulated by the federal government, large corporations and multi-millionaire propagandist talk show puppets. Politicians, corporate moguls and media contortionists are all getting wealthy twisting facts and rewriting history to fit their agendas.
America is no longer the leader of the free world. As a matter of fact, there is no longer a free world. All the principles and values that allowed and encouraged the "American dream" have been bastardized to tighten control over the working class. America is being ruled by large corporations. They sponsor our elections with astronomical amounts of money and ultimately own the system and most of the participants. The Supreme Court is allowing this corporate purchasing of power to overshadow our freedoms. Look up the definition of Fascism and you will see that we are at the doorstep of Fascism in this country. It is not the socialism that we are being scared with by the right wing. Fascism is corporate control over government which makes peasants of the middle class.
Americans are being exploited and being led down a one-way street. The farther we go down that street the less likely we are to return. Recently, the Bush tax cuts were extended. Peanuts for the working class and prime rib for the ruling class. The average household saves about $2,000 or less and that savings is already under attack at the gas pumps, grocery stores and by utility providers. Before the end of this new year you will see gas prices between $4.50 and $5 per gallon, which by itself should gobble up your tax cut. The very wealthy who got the huge tax cuts won't feel the cost of living increases, in fact they will profit from them.
What do you think follows when all the money reaches the top and there is very little here on main street? History shows us that life gets real ugly when fascism arrives.
I am not going to ask you to take to the streets and riot. Just be aware of what is happening in this country. Stop spending your money foolishly. Spend only what it takes to get by and stock up on necessities. Every dime the working man spends feeds our oppressors. And though I am not promoting civil unrest, it won't be long before we are forced to choose between our remnants of freedom and the dead end street. Strengthen your ties with family and friends. 2011 will prove the need to rely on each other and for a creation of bonds between families and friends.
Joe Scalise

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