Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tea Party no friend to the worker

    Though, there is undoubtedly a need for a grass roots movement in America it is not the Tea Party.  A grass roots movement is one that emanates from the streets of America for the improvement in the quality of life for the population not for corporate America.  The Tea Party claims they put this new wave of conservative politicians in office to eliminate the deficit and reduce the national debt.  Their first move was to continue a 900 billion dollar tax break for the top earners under the guise of job creation.   The tax cut had already been in force for ten years without any real results in employment.  Next, came a unanimous vote by the Republicans to stop the elimination of 44 billion dollars of subsidies for the big oil companies who have been making record profits since the early Bush years.  But the Tea Party cheers the prospect of attacking social security, Medicare and other so-called social programs.
    The Tea Party has been referred to as an Astroturf (fake grass) movement that had been sponsored, promoted and funded by rightwing wealth and media to keep the focus on tax cuts for the wealthy. Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Fox news itself have promoted Tea Party rallies and protests.  In 2010 Fox news covered the Tea Party 59 times more than they covered the U.S. Social Forum while 15,000 people showed up for the U.S. Social Forum and only 600 people showed up for the Tea Party protest.  The Tea Party doesn’t care about the concessions made by the government workers in Wisconsin they just want the unions busted because that is what corporate America wants.  The last thing Americans need is another right wing group doing the bidding of the corporations that are abusing employees and gouging consumers.
     The Tea Party has accepted funding from both Koch Brothers and Koch industries. Some of the national figures associated with the Tea Party Movement are Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Jim De mint, Michelle Bauchman and Dick Army.  None of these people are sympathetic to the needs of the people but can be considered tools of the elite ruling class.      
    I have predicted a short life for the Tea Party Movement.  It will not go away because of the right wing support but its popularity is already being diminished.  The upside of the movement and its fraudulent efforts are that it is serving to unite the middle class and strengthen the working class.  As a part of the working class you must make your feelings known because the Tea Party and the Republicans say they are talking for Americans and that there is a mandate behind their efforts.  They don’t represent my view and I hope they don’t represent yours when they protect corporate welfare and attempt to break the unions.  This not the grass roots movement that will make our quality of life improve.  Remember the massive U.S debt wasn’t created the working class.  Why should we pay it back with concessions in our quality of life.  All this massive debt was created by catering to the wants of banks and big business.  Some believe the wars are responsible for our huge debt but the profiteering channeled huge sums of money into the pockets private contractors who abused their contracts.  Have you heard the Tea Party take issue with lucrative no bid contracts?  No you haven't.